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digiHero Blogging Roadmap and Timelines

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Blogging Roadmap is very important for anyone who plans to start a digital business. Even if your plan is to sell your products directly, you must add content that talks about your products, your Niche and your business. If the concept of a blogging business is still new to you, let’s simplify it:

By publishing over 200 SEO-optimized articles, each exceeding 1500 words, over the next two years, and by performing a few additional tasks like internal linking, guest posting, brand establishment etc. you are likely to establish a sustainable income through blogging.

Blogging demands considerable effort. Typically, it takes 3-5 hours to craft a blog post, and that’s before you factor in other essential activities like building a social media presence and engaging with your audience. The most time-intensive task, however, is consistently creating and updating content.

To streamline this process for everyone, the digiHero core team has devised a roadmap where bloggers earn badges based on their activities.

Here’s a breakdown of a blogger’s journey with us:

Registration Process

First you register with us by Purchasing digiHero essential Service Pack through any of our Partners This is Post Registration, your initial task is to thoroughly complete the onboarding process.

Onboarding Process:

This is a training period of up to 45 days designed to teach the basics of blogging and how to utilize our system for a digital business. This structured process includes SOPs and checkpoints to ensure a smooth transfer of knowledge. By the end of this phase, you should have your blog fully set up and at least two SEO-optimized articles published.

Beginner Stage

This stage lasts 6-9 months post-onboarding, during which you should aim to publish at least 50 SEO-optimized articles and engage in other standard practices like link building that fosters initial blog growth.

Initial Success

This is defined as attracting 20,000 genuine page views a month or earning Rs 10,000 monthly from the blog. It can be achieved within 6-12 months if worked upon consistently.

Growth Stage

This is a critical phase that spans at least 1.5 years, transitioning your blog from earning modest pocket money to reaching a significant income threshold.

Startup Threshold Success

Achieve INR 100,000 income from your blog. This milestone is easily reached within 1-3 years with digiHero training and community.

Incubation Process

This phase involves evolving a blog that has reached the startup threshold into a Private Limited Company. We consider income above 2 Lac Rupees Monthly consistently as a right measure to incubate.

Your mission is to progress through these stages. Remember, you won’t see much success until you’ve published at least 50 SEO-optimized articles. Search engines take time to discover new sites, but as you consistently add content, your visibility for various keywords will increase, leading to traffic and revenue.

After six months and publishing 50 articles, your blog will likely qualify for AdSense, providing you a straightforward method to monetize your blog.

Detailed guidance on what to do and how to do it is provided during the onboarding process, which includes documented procedures, training sessions, and community support. All you need to do is follow the outlined steps.

For Registration, Fill up the form and we will contact you

Registration Form

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