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Everything about digiHero essential Service Pack

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Currently digihero one serves one product and that is digihero Essential Services Pack. Lets first see what is included in this pack

What is covered in digiHero essential service pack

digihero Essential Service Pack covers the following

  1. Domain of your choice (Must be available and not premium) 
  2. Pre installed customisable template site on your domain 
  3. 1 year of free server support upto 1000 Pageviews per day 
  4. onBoarding training of 30 days on how to build a digital content business
  5. Access to private digihero community
  6. Free Entry to webinars and Meetups 

Let’s look at each of these one by one.

Domain of your choice

We will purchase any domain of your choice, subject to its availability on domain Marketplace. Only those domains can be purchased by us which are available and not premium. digiHero essential service pack covers all TLDs for domains, be it .com, .in or any other TLDs available on godaddy. 

We have an efficient process of searching domain names which is a part of our onboarding process. You can read more about

How to search a high Value Domain Name

Pre installed customisable template site

After finalizing the domain, we take up to 5 business days to set up your website. We will set up your website on wordpress on our servers. We will provide you tutorials in the onboarding process on how to customize your website further.

WordPress is highly flexible and it allows you to build any kind of online business, be it ecommerce, edTech and much more. 

Know More about wordpress

One year of Free Server

From the day of your domain Purchase, we will provide server support subject to usage. Our free plan allows traffic of up to 1000 unique pageviews per day. For additional Usage you will have to pay our standard server charges

1000 unique pageviews a day is sufficient for your digital business to generate a monthly revenue of INR 5000. Through our servers, we regularly monitor your traffic. Once your digital business starts crossing 500 pageviews a day, we will help you in monetizing your digital business via a volunteer. 

Our aim is to make your business self-sustaining within one year. Though some heroes are able to achieve that in 6 Months only.

onBoarding Process Training

Though you have started a business with us, we understand that most of you do not know how to build a digital business. For that, 

We have an onBoarding process of 30-60 days, which covers the following

  1. Helping you in Selecting a Niche, if you haven’t found one
  2. Helping you in Finalizing your domain
  3. Purchasing Domain through our partners
  4. Setting up your website
  5. Training Sessions on how to customize your website.
  6. Training Sessions on how to build a content business.
  7. Introduction to our community, opportunities it offers and guidelines.

All these are included in digiHero Essential Plan, you don’t have to pay anything extra for any of this. After the onBoarding Process, digiHero will only be liable for server and domain services.

Access to private community

We have a private community of heroes where we communicate and share our business content. Community helps each other by sharing skills and resources that help digital business grow without spending.

Entry to webinars and Meet ups

Community members often conduct webinars that will help your business grow. They also offer optionally services that can be useful in building your digital business.

What is not covered in digiHero Essential Service Plan

digiHero only intends to start a digital business at the cheapest possible cost. We are committed to provide every possible thing you need in order to build your digital business fastest and cheapest.

Yet at the cost of an essential service plan, we are limited. 

We don’t provide a lot of services digital businesses might need. Yet you are open to our skilled heroes to build your business further

Customising Websites

We provide a ready made wordpress site with a pre installed template. We will give you a training session in the onboarding process, which will help you understand how to build your business. You can further learn to customize your website via youtube, Udemy or any other free online resources. 

WordPress is the best Content management System and currently 43% of the world’s websites are using wordpress.

You can build any kind of website using wordpress be it ecommerce, tutoring or any other type of business site. 

We recommend that you read more about WordPress on the internet

You can also use our community to find a skilled person who can do the task.

Content Writing Services

We don’t provide any content related services for your digital business. You would have to write articles or products or anything related by yourself. 

Though in the onboarding process, we host sessions on how to write SEO optimized articles that will help you in creating better content. 

In the community, you can find great content writers who can do the task for you. You can further use the internet in learning how to write great content for your website.

Designing Services

In the onBoarding Process, we will teach you how you can create a great logo for your website by yourself using some free internet tools. 

You can use your ideas and prompts to further improve your website design.

Skilled Designers in the community might be interested in doing the task for you. You can contact, or negotiate by yourself.

SEO Services

We don’t provide SEO services of any kind. Yes, we will train you on the importance of SEO and how to do OnPage and Off Page SEO. 

Our template contains a pre-installed wordpress with Yoast SEO plugin which will help you implement onPage Seo Strategies.

Some of our community Members are SEO experts, who provide SEO related Services.

Any other Consultation Services

We don’t consult any consultation services related to your businesses’ operations or finance or anything else. 

In short, digiHero Essential Service Pack primarily offers available domain purchase, hosting services, onboarding training, and community access as mentioned above.

Pricing and Renewal

digiHero is a non profitable organization committed towards promoting digital entrepreneurship and digital literacy.  We have only one product –  digiHero Essential Service. Currently you can purchase this service only through our partner organisation only.

Current Partner institutions are

GLA university

 The Price of the digiHero essential Service Pack is annually 9000 including GST (if applied) or $110 for people outside India. For each Purchase you will get one website and all related services. We provide trainings and other services to maximum 3 people in a team.

For any other queries related to digiHero Essential Service Pack, you can contact out community chief or CC

Community Chief (CC) Linkedin Profile


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